Saturday, January 1, 2011

"Do the next thing"

Since having my nerve block I have been very restless. I keep thinking through all my options of what to do next (should I fly to a pudendal specialist or to have a special MRI that could possibly tell if I have an entrapement? Should I get more blocks? Should I try different meds or a different cushion because my pain with sitting is greatly affecting my life?) I've been telling my husband " I just don't know what to do!"

My friend shared these helpful words and I'm sure she wouldn't mind me sharing as well.
They come from one of my favorite authors,Elisabeth Elliot.

"She says that when you feel overwhelmed, or worn out, or a bit listless,or are unsure about a big step you may need to take, often it is most helpful to just "do the next thing." Take out the trash. Vacuum up those fake pine needles. Unload the dish washer. Cook dinner for that sweet hubby. Make that phone call that's on your list. Pick up your Bible and read the passage marked for today."

Thanks friend. I sure needed that. Despite my personality to plan and worry right now I need to just get through each day and "do the next thing". Besides God has got it under control even if I feel restless. I just have to be patient and trust him.

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