Tuesday, July 24, 2012

God at Work

It may seem like I only blog about how hard life is for us and honestly, life is very  difficult for us. Sometimes I feel like we just we just can't "catch a break" (of course we know God is in control and nothing is left to fate or chance). I have often said, "I just wish something could go right for us!". The truth is good things do happen and God is working to provide and care for us through our suffering even when we don't feel like He is or see His works.

Recently a reader posted in the comments that she keeps a journal and every day writes down 5 things she is thankful for. I have never been a "journaler", but I just may start! I think we often don't count blessings unless they are huge, when in reality ever second of every day God is at work in the lives of His children - sustaining them, loving them, and giving them grace.

I don't often write about God's care for our lives, maybe because I don't take the time to ponder His watch care.  But here's a few examples of God's work in our lives lately:
  • A college friend sent us their tithe check for $200 because they were moving and were in between churches. That day we received the check I had to have two dental fillings that cost about $80 and our car needed new brake pads which was $100. God provided - and this is not the first time this has happened!
  •  I've found a massage therapist trained in an alternative technique called structural integration. I had one session and it seemed to help me have a few better days as it especially lessened tension in my upper back and neck. It's not going to fix my pain, but it might help me manage it a little better. Praise God! (Pray it continues to help!)
  • We filled out a financial aid application for the MRI I had out of state back in May (side note: I've learned to always ask for discounts and financial aid when paying bills, sometimes they will give a discount if a bill is paid in full and most places will let you pay what you can without charging interest as long as you pay a little each month.). We were told today we will be given a 95%  discount. That brings our $410 bill down to $20.50!!! Only God can do that!
  • I've prayed off an on ever since my pain began about trying to find a primary care doctor, but never found one that I felt comfortable with and who seemed to want to help. Last month I finally had an appointment with a doctor who goes to my church (she accepted me even though her practice is full). She was very helpful in prescribing pain medication for as needed flares and I know I can go to her for referrals or whatever I need! Thank you God!
I haven't shared prayer requests in some time, but I have some things I would appreciate prayers about:
  • Tomorrow my husband has a 2nd interview for a job that seems like a very good match for him and would pay significantly more than he currently makes. This job would however bring lots of major changes to our lives so we really need prays for wisdom and that God would provide for us (if not with this job, with a different one as my husband's current job has horrible hours and poor pay). Pray that we would trust God's good providence no matter the outcome of the interview.
  • I've been experiencing some new pain in the front of my hips and in my groin ever since I tried the aggressive treatment in May as well as continued increased of my "normal" pain. This "hip" pain is very different than anything I have ever experienced. I have pain walking and often feel my hip is locking up (it even snaps sometimes). Then yesterday I went to a local PT who tried some stretching that has caused even more sharp pain in my pubic bone. There has been some research that correlates hip pathology and pelvic floor pain. Please pray that God would give me wisdom to know if I should see a hip specialist. Better yet, pray that this pain will resolve on it's own...it's always scary when I get more pain!
  • Tomorrow I am seeing a doctor about some pain I've been having for about 4 months now. I'm not sure if it is just my heightened central nervous system that is causing me to perceive pain that wouldn't be so debilitating to the average person, or if there is a separate issue causing the pain. Pray that the doctor will have wisdom and there might be a treatment to help with the pain. 
  • On Monday I see a new pain doctor locally. Pray that he would be receptive to the fact that I don't want any more interventions (i.e. injections, spinal cord stimulator, etc) and that he would be able to think outside the box to help me find a medication regime to help keep the pain under better control.
  • Pray that our joy would be in the Lord and we would trust Him and not worry even when when don't see Him working.
God is at work even if things like financial provision are not happening in your life. He is always at work for our good and His glory. He is working when you hurt so bad you can't get out of bed and when you get a raise at work. We may not always see or understand His providence, but we can rest assured He's at work!

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