Thursday, June 7, 2012

Marriage and Disability

My brother is getting married on Saturday. Ironically I'm always a little despondent at weddings. I think it is because I remember so fondly my first 11 months of marriage. The jogs in the park, the care-free dates eating our favorite Indian food, "planning" our future together over coffee. Never once did chronic pain enter our thoughts as a possibility of God's plan for our future. Sometimes I want to go back so badly I could scream! But God knows what He is doing.

A few weeks ago I was incredibly encouraged by the testimony of Ian and Larissa Murphy a young couple displaying the glory of God in a marriage filled with disability.

Their marriage is not easy and I'm sure many people think it unwise for them to be married, but what a beautiful picture of Christ and the Church. That's what marriage is about - not romance or pulling our equal weight or even love. It's all about Jesus and it's all for Him. That's my prayer for my brother and his soon-to-be wife - that they would show to the world the beautiful gospel of Jesus and find their joy in Him alone.

You can read more about Ian and Larissa at Pray for Ian. Their blog has reassured my soul of the goodness of God in suffering.

Prayers are appreciated as I will be travel to the wedding. Pray that my pain levels will be tolerable and we can enjoy the day. Oh and pray that my daughter will walk down the aise as the flower girl :)


  1. Wow...I can hardly write this comment due to the tears streaming down my face! What a beautiful and extraordinary example of Christ-like love. Thank you for sharing!!

  2. This is inspiring post! Thanks for this one. It's nice to hear someone sharing his/her marriage life through God's will. Thanks for this one.
